​Stefanie Voelz is a senior analyst in Moody's EMEA Infrastructure Finance team, based in London. She is currently responsible for a portfolio of regulated utilities and infrastructure issuers in the United Kingdom. Over an extended career in credit, Stefanie has developed in-depth knowledge of utilities and transportation infrastructure sectors across Europe. She is also an expert in the credit assessment of highly-covenanted financing structures in the regulated utility space as well as project financings.

Stefanie is Moody's lead analyst covering UK Water and has published extensively on the sector. She is the lead author of Moody's Rating Methodology for Regulated Water Utilities, last updated in June 2018. Stefanie has also been one of Moody's lead commentators on European regulated networks.

Prior to joining Moody's in October 2004, Stefanie worked in the credit department of Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG (now Landesbank Berlin AG) in London and Berlin, where she held portfolio responsibility for project finance transactions in the energy and infrastructure sectors.

Stefanie holds a degree in business administration (Diplomkauffrau) from the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.

Stefanie Voelz

Working groups

EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group (EFRAG RRAWG)