Specialized in auditing non-financial information, Marcus leads PwC NL's non-financial / sustainability assurance practice as Senior Manager. With his background in financial audit and using a societal lense, he collaborates with teams and clients to ensure
transparent, well thought-out and reliable reporting to stakeholders, building a broad experience in non-financial reporting and assurance thereon.

As University Lecturer at the University of Groningen, Marcus specialized in research and education in the field of ESG / non-financial information, being lead lecturer in a unique course on ESG Assurance. Marcus is member to the Working Group ESG Assurance of The Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants

Marcus Looijenga

Working groups

European Lab PTF on Reporting of Non-financial Risks and Opportunities and Linkage to the Business Model (PTF-RNFRO) (no longer active)