Isabelle is an IFRS Expert at Engie’s Accounting Standards Department. She brings her extensive experience to a range of topics including the deployment of new accounting standards with a specific experience in employee benefits and share-based payments transactions.
Prior to that role, she was a Deputy to the Projects, Support and Internal Control Director and a Deputy to the French Tax Group Director. She began her career as a tax lawyer at PwC Société d’Avocats and EY Société d’Avocats.
Isabelle has been sworn in as a lawyer at the Paris Bar in 1994, holds a Master 2 in taxation law, a Master of Science in Business and Management Degree and the French chartered accountant degree. Additionally, she has taught company taxation case studies at the University of Paris-Dauphine from 2001 to 2005.

Isabelle Nuss

Working groups

EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group (EFRAG RRAWG)