Gerhard Margetich started his career as an auditor in a major audit firm more than 20 years ago. At the beginning he specialized in the field of IT auditing and gained experience in several industries. When IAS 39 was issued in 2001 he joined the national technical working group for financial instruments and soon after specialized in this area. During his career as an auditor he focused on bank auditing whilst he was involved in advising clients within the financial services industry as well as other industries in the area of financial instruments accounting.

In 2008 he started as Head of Group Finance and Accounting for a listed company. His main task was to restructure the accounting and financing of the group which he successfully completed within one year.

Since 2009 he is a board member of the statutory audit organization of the Austrian savings banks and was appointed chairman of the board in 2014.

He joined working groups of the Austrian Financial Reporting and Audit Committee (AFRAC) in 2005 and contributed ever since to several technical working groups. Recently he was appointed chairman of the Financial Instruments Working Group of AFRAC.

Gerhard Margetich

Working groups

EFRAG Banking Advisory Panel (EFRAG BAP)