Since 2020, Gunther is the Head of E.ON's Accounting Standards Department. Before that he had the same position at the former German utility company Innogy SE.

Prior to those roles, Gunther was heading the "Financial Statements Retail Department" of RWE and had exercised several other functions within the Accounting Departments of the RWE Group. Before entering the utility sector, Gunther has worked for several years as an auditor at KPMG Germany.

Gunther was educated at Ruhr-University Bochum and University College Cork and holds a Diploma and a doctorate in economics/business administration. Before that Gunther started his professional education with an apprenticeship as a banker at Citibank.

Gunther is the current chairman of the Project Group "IFRS Accounting" of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW – Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.) and was formerly also a member of different Working Groups of the ASCG (Accounting Standards Committee of Germany).

Falkenhahn Gunther

Working groups

EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group (EFRAG RRAWG)