Edgar Löw is Professor of Accounting and Program Director at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt am Main, since 2014. His main areas of research and teaching are financial instruments accounting, bank accounting, M&A accounting, connection between bank regulatory requirements and accounting, risk management, national and international accounting standards (IFRS, HGB)

He started his professional career with Deutsche Bank where he worked six years in Corporate Centre Controlling, Department of Fundamental Issues and Associate Tasks. He was appointed as Head of Department after two years. Thereafter, he went to Arthur Andersen, Frankfurt am Main, where he was Head of Financial Accounting Issues, Financial Services Industry Division. After about two years Edgar Löw went to KPMG, Frankfurt am Main, as a Partner and Head of Department of Professional Practice Banking and Finance. In that time he was responsible for several conversion projects from local accounting standards towards IFRS. After eight years serving as a partner at KPMG Edgar Löw joined Ernst & Young, Frankfurt am Main, as a partner and Head of Financial Accounting Advisory Services, Financial Services Organisation, and Head of Professional Practice Department Financial Services Organisation (Banks and Insurance Companies) for at least three and a half years before he went to the academia.

Parallel to his practical working experience Edgar Löw always worked as a lecturer for different universities. He is holding a professorship of honour at WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, since 2005.

He worked and still works in several working parties and is a member in quite a number of professional organisations, like Accountancy Europe, European Banking Institute, Working Party of the German Ministry of Justice on Prematurity Compensation Payment, German Academic Association for Business Research, European Accounting Association, German Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft, German Association for Financial Analysis.

Starting in October 2018, Edgar Löw was appointed as a member in the EBA´s Banking Stakeholder Group.

Since June 2021 he is a member of European Financial Reporting Advisory Group – Financial Instruments Working Group.

Edgar Loew

Working groups

EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG)