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EFRAG FR TEG & EFRAG CFSS Joint Meeting 4 July 2023

Meeting news

Running order

# Agenda item Start time End time Presenters Documents
  Opening, welcome and apologies 09:35 09:40 00-00 EFRAG CFSS and FR TEG meeting July 2023 - Agenda.pdf
  06. Primary Financial Statements 09:40 10:35 Project team 06-02 PFS - IASB Agenda Paper - AP4 Primary Financial Statements - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 23-07-04.pdf
  Break 10:35 10:45
  7. Business Combinations under Common Control (BCUCC) 10:45 11:30 Project team 07-05 - AP5b-bcucc-project-direction-bvm (ASAF paper).pdf
07-04 - AP5a-bcucc-project-direction (ASAF paper).pdf
07-03 - AP5-bcucc-cover-paper (ASAF paper).pdf
07-02 BCUCC - Issues paper - EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS 2023-07-04.pdf
07-01 BCUCC - Cover note - EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS 23-07-04.pdf
  8. Provisions—Targeted Improvements 11:30 12:15 Project team 08.02 Provisions - Present obligation recognition criterion - ASAF background paper AP6 - CFSS230704.pdf
08.03 Provisions - Present obligation recognition criterion - ASAF background paper AP6A - CFSS230704.pdf
08.04 Provisions - Present obligation - drafting suggestions standard - ASAF background paper AP6A-Appendix A - CFSS230704.pdf
08.05 Provisions - Present obligation - drafting suggestions examples - ASAF background paper AP6A-Appendix B - CFSS230704.pdf
08.01 - Provisions - Targeted Improvements - Definition of liability - CFSS230704.pdf
  9. Business Combinations—Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment 12:15 12:40 Project team 09-02 - IASB Agenda Paper - AP3 BCDGI ASAF July 2023.pdf - CFSS230704.pdf
09-01 - BCDGI - Cover note - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 23-07-04.pdf
  Lunch Break 12:40 13:20
  10. Climate-related Risks in the Financial Statements 13:20 14:20 Project team 10.01 Climate-related Risks in FSs - Cover note - CFSS 230704.pdf
10.02 Climate Related Risks in FSs - ASAF background paper AP7 - CFSS230704.pdf
  11. Equity Method 14:20 15:05 Project team 11-02 ASAF Agenda Paper AP8 Equity Method July 2023 - TEG-CFSS 23-07-04.pdf
11-01 Equity method - Cover note EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS 23-07-04.pdf
  Break 15:05 15:15
  12. IFRS IC discussions 15:15 15:45 Project team 12-01 - Update on IFRS IC Activities - EFRAG TEG-CFSS_23-07-04.pdf
  13. Supplier Finance Arrangements 15:45 15:55 Project team 13-01 - SFA - Issues paper - EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS 2023-07-04.pdf
  14. ISSB Agenda consultation 15:55 16:55 Project team 14-05 - ISSB RFI Agenda consultation - survey - CFSS230704.pdf
14-04 - ISSB RFI Agenda consultation - CFSS230704.pdf
14-03 - ISSB Agenda consultation - EFRAG DCL - 230602 - final - CFSS230704.pdf
14-02 - ISSB Agenda consultation - EFRAG DCL - presentation - CFSS230704.pdf
14-01 - Cover note - RFI Agenda consultation - CFSS230704.pdf
  15. SASB methodology 16:55 17:55 Project team 15-05 - ISSB Internationalisation of SASB standards - Survey - CFSS230704.pdf
15-04 - ISSB Internationalisation of SASB standards -CFSS230704.pdf
15-03 - EFRAG DCL on ISSB ED internationalisation SASB - CFSS230704.pdf
15-02 - ISSB- Internationalisation SASB Standards - CFSS230704.pdf
15-01 - Cover note - internationalisation of SASB standards - CFSS230704.pdf
  16. Agenda topics for next EFRAG TEG-CFSS and ASAF meetings 17:55 18:00 Sapna Heeralall 16-01 IASB Agenda planning and feedback_ASAF July 2023 - EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS 23-07-04.pdf
  End of meeting 18:00 18:00