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EFRAG FRB Meeting 13 July 2023

Meeting news

Running order

# Agenda item Start time End time Presenters Documents
  Opening, welcome and apologies 09:45 09:50
  8. Supplier Finance Arrangements 09:50 10:35 SFA team 08-01 - Cover note SFA - EFRAG FRB 2023-07-13.pdf
08-02 - Draft endorsement advice letter to the EC - EFRAG FRB 2023-07-13.pdf
08-03 - Invitation to comment SFA - EFRAG FRB 2023-07-13.pdf
08-04 - EC letter requesting advice on the endorsement of the Amendments - EFRAG FRB 2023-07-13.pdf
  Break 10:35 10:50
  9. Rate-regulated Activities 10:50 12:00 RRA Team 09-01- Cover note - Regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities- EFRAG FR Board - 23-07-13 - Copy.pdf
09-03- Background paper - Direct (no direct) relationship concept between the RCB and PPE- EFRAG FR Board - 23-07-13.pdf
09-02 RRA - Project Update - EFRAG FRB 23-07-13.pdf
  Lunch Break 12:00 12:40
  10. Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity 12:40 13:25 FICE Team 10-01 FICE - Cover note - EFRAG FRB 23-07-13.pdf
10-02 FICE - Overview of IASB discussions and feedback received - EFRAG FRB 23-07-13.pdf
10-03 FICE IASB Staff paper on Tentative decisions - EFRAG FRB 23-07-13 - Background only.pdf
  11. Business Combinations under Common Control 13:25 14:10 BCUCC team 11-01 BCUCC - Cover note - EFRAG FRB 2023-07-13.pdf
11-02 – IASB AP6 - BCUCCs - Project direction (joint CMAC-GPF June meeting).pdf
11-03 – IASB AP23A - BCUCCs - Project direction (IASB meeting April 2023).pdf
  12. Update of work plan and any other matters 14:10 14:20 Jens Berger 12-01_EFRAG FRB Technical Workplan 13 July 2023.pdf