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EFRAG FR TEG meeting March 2022


​To register and watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording of the meeting on the 22 March 2022, please click here.

To register and watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording of the meeting on the 23 March 2022, please click here.

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Meeting news

Running order

# Agenda item Start time End time Presenters Documents
  03. Dynamic Risk Management 16:40 17:40 DRM Team 03-01 Cover note DRM EFRAG TEG 22-03-23.pdf
03-02 Mechanics of the DRM model FR TEG 22-03-22.pdf
03-03 DRM Feedback around carve out perceptions and use - Issues paper.pdf
03-04 DRM EFRAG FR TEG 22-03-22.pdf
  04. Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current (Amendments to IAS 1) 09:00 10:30 IAS 1 team 04.01 Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants - Cover Note - TEG 23.03.2022.pdf
04.02 Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants - Comment Letter Analysis - TEG 23.03.2022.pdf
04.03 Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants - Analysis of Other Feedback - TEG 23.03.2022.pdf
04.04 a Final Comment letter ED-2021-9_with track change - TEG 23.03.2022_clean track change.pdf
04.04 b Final Comment letter ED-2021-9 - TEG 23.03.2022.pdf
  05. Supplier Finance Arrangements 10:30 12:00 SFA team 05-01 - Cover note on SFA - EFRAG TEG 22-03-23.pdf
05-02 - Issues paper on SFA outreach - EFRAG TEG 22-03-23.pdf
05-03 - Comment letter analysis on SFA - EFRAG TEG 22-03-23.pdf
05-04a EFRAG FCL on SFA - track changes version -EFRAG TEG 22-03-23.pdf
05-04b EFRAG FCL on SFA - clean version - EFRAG TEG 22-03-23.pdf
  Break 12:00 12:30
  06. Variable and Contingent Consideration 12:30 14:00 VCC team 06-01 Cover note - Variable consideration - FR TEG 22-03-22.pdf
06-02a EFRAG Discussion Paper - clean version.pdf
06-02b EFRAG Discussion Paper - changes marked.pdf
06-03 Issues paper on an IFRS 15 mirroring approach for accounting for variable consideration.pdf
06-04 Issues Paper on a chapter on changes in the value of consideration.pdf
  Break 14:00 14:15
  07. EFRAG Research project Crypto-Assets 14:15 15:45 Crypto assets team 07-01 - Cover Note - EFRAG DP Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) - EFRAG TEG 23-03-22.pdf
07-02 - Issues Paper - Revision of Recommendations and Feedback Statement for DP- Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) - EFRAG TEG 23-03-22.pdf
07-03 - tracked changes- Recommendations and Feedback Statement on EFRAG's DP Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) - EFRAG TEG 23-03-22.pdf
07-04 - clean version-Recommendations and Feedback Statement on EFRAG's DP Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) - EFRAG TEG 23-03-22.pdf